General Manager:
Charlotte Nisser
Responsible for station oversight, training all departments
and staff, FCC rules and regulations, community and university
liaison. Contact the GM with any questions and you will always
get a response!
Asst. General Manager:
Jimbo Sandberg
Assistant to the GM, responsible for station trafficking.
Programming Director: Jason LaCourse
Responsible for all DJs, training and hiring. DJ applications should be sumbitted to this person. The PD does not deal with any music related issues or what programs are aired on KWVA, for those, contact the Music Directors and the General Manager accordingly.
Music Director: Krista Heim
Responsible organizing the music library, contact with promoters, weekly charts and tracking. |
Assistant Music Director: Sheila Steinmetz
Responsible organizing the music library, contact with promoters, weekly charts and tracking. |
Production Director: Chris George
Responsible for production of Public Service Announcements, Promotional and Underwriting spots. If you are hosting an event or would like to sponsor a show/the station, contact the Marketing Director.
Marketing Director: Anthony Green
Responsible for station promotion and relationship with venues and bands. If you are a touring band and would like to stop in the station, contact this department for interview possiblities and opportunities to play at KWVA events. If you are hosting an event and would like sponsorship, contact Anthony.
Outreach Associate : Korey Schultz
Responsible for communication with businesses and individuals that sponsor the station. |
Outreach Associate : Julian Haggar
Responsible for communication with businesses and individuals that sponsor the station. |
News Director: Erick Olson
Responsible for the daily broadcast of Democracy Now!, Free Speech Radio News, and live campus news productions. Responsible for coordination and oversight of talk shows. Oversees and trains a reporting staff. The News Department is always looking for reporters, you need not be a student or in the Eugene area to participate.
Asst. News Director: Nicolet Corliss
Responsible for assisting the News Director. Assists in training and oversight of news reporters and daily broadcast.
Newsletter Editor: Jenny Manning
Responsible for the upkeep of the KWVA quarterly newsletter. Anyone can submit, contact this person for more information.
Asst. Newsletter Editor: Kim Buchanan
Responsible for the upkeep of the KWVA quarterly newsletter. Anyone can submit; contact this person for more information. |
Web Page Designer: Cara Bohon
Responsible for the upkeep of the KWVA website.