Welcome to UOCSSA!

The Chinese Student and Scholar Associate at University of Oregon maintains an email list, which has become a very important part of our common life here.

By sending emails to this list, CSSA inform activities and news to the members and have feedbacks from them. Meanwhile, everyone on this list can share any information or discuss any question with the community through this email list. Doubtless, joining the mail list will bring you better sense of being part of the Chinese community here.

We encourage every newcomers to join this maillist to seek help and find any useful opportunities for you.

To join this list, you can either send an email to our webmaster, whose email address can be found in contact us section, or fill and submit the form below.




要加入这个地址列表, 你可以发一封邮件给我们的网络管理员, 你可以在我们的contact us section中找到他的邮件地址;或者你填写并递交以下表格。

Let us hear from you!!!

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